2020秋季!超级物联网大会Beyond IoT首次进入中国!

Beyond IoT——The annual event of Internet of Things and scientific and technological innovation in Ireland, which has been successfully held for three years, will come to China from Ireland in 2020!

Beyond IOT——已连续成功举办三届的物联网、科创界的年度盛会将要在 2020 年从爱尔兰来到中国了!

Beyond IOT is an annual seminar of IOT science and innovation circle that will be held in 2020.After three years of development, beyond IOT has become one of the most influential technology venture capital platforms in the world, with high gold content, scale and reputation worldwide.Beyond IOT---一场 2020 年必去的物联网科创圈的年度研讨盛会。经过三年的发展,Beyond IoT已经成为全球最具影响力的科技创业投资平台之一,在世界范围内具有极高的含金量、规模及美誉度。

Beyond IOT 2020 is sponsored by CIT and nimbus incubator, and will be held in cork, Ireland, on January 20, 2020.
As the largest annual Internet of things conference in Ireland, beyond IoT has gathered venture capital tycoons, investors and scholars from Silicon Valley in the United States and top scientific and technological innovation companies in Europe to discuss innovative and explorative lines of IoT. The conference brings together top talents and progressive knowledge in the IoT industry, and helps entrepreneurs, research and development managers of multinational companies and small and medium-sized enterprises, researchers of academic institutions to understand the innovative trends and cutting-edge information of IoT.

作为爱尔兰年度规模最大的物联网研讨盛会,Beyond IOT集聚了来自美国硅谷、欧洲顶尖科创公司的创投大咖、投资人与学者,研讨国际前沿物联网领域创新探索线路。大会汇集物联网行业高端人才及资讯,帮助创业者、跨国公司及中小企业的研发管理人员、学术机构研究员了解物联网创新潮流趋势及前沿信息。

The past conferences of Beyond IoT mainly covered three subject areas: technology, commerce and technology application.
Science and technology subjects include artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, virtual reality & augmented reality, security area, research and development strategy, etc.
Business subjects include financing, project operation control, marketing.
Technology application subjects include industry 4.0, agricultural technology, energy, smart city, water resources, transportation, medical technology, population and human behavior, etc.

Beyond IOT历届大会主要涵盖三大主题板块:科技板块、商业板块还有技术应用板块。
科技主题板块包括:AI 人工智能、大数据、区块链、VR&AR (虚拟现实&增强现实) 、安全领域、研发策略等。

See the speakers of the past conference of Beyond IOT:
Beyond IOT本届会议部分演讲者:

In September 2020, Innocare Group will bring the conference to China for the first time and host the 1st Beyond IoT China conference! If you wish to attend the conference and learn more details, do not hesitate to contact us immediately!
Contact person
Julia Yalalova   13601931867

Faith Saunders 15618435150


Feel free to leave a message directly in our WeChat public account.

2020年九月份,格桑创服将承办首届Beyond IoT China,将大会首次带进中国。假若您想参会及了解更多大会详细信息,请赶紧与我们格桑创服联络喔!
Julia Yalalova   13601931867

Faith Saunders 15618435150

